Monday, October 31, 2016

Cantu Ch. 10


Big Question: How can we, as teachers, overcome our own deficits in economic education?

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Fun fact: This Federal Reserve bank actually has an entire list of interactive economic resources.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Loewen Ch. 10


Big Question: How does the lack of focus on the recent-past effect your own education?

Caption: Recent history evokes a much different reaction from people than other subjects. 

Digital History Timeline Map is an interactive website that shows social, political, and cultural events in United States history. The map starts in 1590 and goes through the year 2010. While the map is focused on the the United States, it does have some pointed arrows going off the map to show what's going on in US territories and US Foreign Affairs. 

Cantu Ch. 9


Big Question

1.What personal values and beliefs on citizenship do you have and how does it effect your teaching?

Caption: The National Standards for History Content Standards for U.S. History are more broad and specific, allowing them to cover all parts of U.S. History
Caption: Citizenship relates to many aspects of history and social studies. 

Interactive Website:

ReadWriteThink is another website with lists of interactive programs and websites that you can use for student activities. You can filter results by grade level, theme, and resource type. It is originally meant for English classrooms, but there are tools that can be used in a history classroom. 

Loewen - Ch. 11


Big Question: How could history teachers collaborate with science teachers to overcome some of the problems mentioned by Loewen in chapter 11?

Image result for progress in history
Caption: What implications does this book cover have?

Google My Maps

Take your students on an adventure without ever leaving the classroom! This tool from Google allows you to create your own maps and add different layers of information.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Cantu: Chapter 8


Big Questions
1. How do the National Standards for History Content Standards compare to other standard we've examined?

Caption: The National Standards for History Content Standards for U.S. History are more broad and specific, allowing them to cover all parts of U.S. History

Caption: Citizenship relates to many aspects of history and social studies. 

Interactive Websites:

Annenberg Learner is a website that actually has a large inventory of many types of interactive sites. You can filter search results by grade level, audience, and content.