Thursday, August 25, 2016

Cantu: Chapter 2


Big Question: How do we stay organize in a professional manner so that we can keep track of what's going on with standards at all time?

Caption: There are many standards for the many topics within Social Studies.

Story Maps
Story Maps is an online website that allow you to create interactive maps. The website also has a number of maps that have already been created that you can also use.

Cantu: Chapter 1


Big Question: How do we know which framework to use?

Caption: A breakdown of each level of Bloom's Taxonomy

How to be a Historian
A web page from the BBC with interactive info-graphics, short videos, and more explaining how to be a historian. Simple enough for a middle school class, informational enough to be worth it for high school classes too.

Lowen: Intro & Chapter 1


Big Question: How can we change the mindset that the "textbook is always right" without turning students completely against textbooks?

Caption: Are there parallels between Wikipedia and the textbook industry?

The Knotted Line
As the website states, "The Knotted Line is an interactive, tactile laboratory for exploring the historical relationship between freedom and confinement in the geographic area of the United States." This website features many events, particularly those pertaining to Civil Rights or "American Heros", that are often blurred or censured in textbooks.